I’m a fourth-year PhD student advised by Leyla Isik at the Department of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University.

I am interested in using computational modeling and analysis methods to study social cognition and its underlying neural correlates. Currently, I’m working on understanding the computations that enable third-person social interaction judgments (such as helping/hindering) from visual stimuli. I am also interested in the developmental origins of human social abilities, and how models of human social intelligence can lead to more human-like AI.

Prior to joining JHU, I worked at TCS Innovation Labs to develop deep learning models to improve advertising effectiveness. I did my B.Tech from IIIT Delhi and worked on multisensory perception for my bachelors’ thesis at National Brain Research Center, India.

Apart from research, I enjoy reading fiction, playing team sports, and Bollywood dancing!

Recent Highlights

Summer 2024: Presented posters at VSS (2024) and CCN (2024) on our preliminary fMRI-Computational models RSA work 🧠

April 2024: Symposium talk at the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (2024) 🗣️

November 2023: Our SocialGNN work was published in Nature Communications! 📝

August 2023: Attended the Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School 👩🏻‍🏫